Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Welcome home Blake

Step 1- complete !!

Sorry for the delay in updates, but until Yesterday we didn't have much to update-...but.....

Yippee- Blakey came home yesterday..... Now I know we keep telling him to take his time at stuff and we will not rush him, ...but come on little toots- 12 days-.....we get it, the nurses are pretty, the crib had cool buttons- but little mister ... lets just get er done , mmm k- !! He slept for like 3 hours the moment we pulled out of the parking garage..., I think just the familiar sounds of home helped him reach such a relaxing deep comfortable baby sleep-

Here's the latest- he is over the hump on his RSV and doing excellent-... he is breathing perfectly, looks great and back to his normal little self... the plan is the first week of Feb we meet with the Surgeons, and we are so blessed to have been assigned to one of the top Pediatric Surgeons in the world... first week in Feb the are doing a Manometry Study which is an hour surgery where he goes under anestesia, is intubated and they fill his little insides up to see how things "move" and to make sure the good parts of his intestines work the way they should- then he wakes up- we take him home and a couple weeks later they will do the 3 hour Surgery and actually remove the part of the intestines/colon that aren't working, ..reconnect and then he will stay for a week or so... The first surgery is to study Blakes insides and to see how he tolerates all these invasive things.

Here's what I think and a wise friend also said-........ Thank goodness we ran into the little girl with RSV and actually that he got it-... this prolonged our stay at the hospital, yes, .... but it also gave us much more time to ask questions, meet the staff, it gave Blake more time to adjust to all these little procedures they are doing, and to get used to people poking , checking, and machines beeping- it won't be such a huge shock to him when all the big stuff is going on. Dave and I also have more time now to prepare emotionally and to talk to Chase about this a little more.

So ... Step 1 is complete... A + Blakey !!!!!!!! You little star-

We really love you all so much- and are so grateful to you and all your awesome words of advice and prayers-... gosh we're lucky-...

Much love-
The Greeninger Fam- xoxoxo

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