Friday, February 29, 2008

Step 2-

And Step 2 is complete !!
Everything went just as planned over the last couple of days for Blake. He went into surgery early yesterday morning- they inserted the scope and then we all went back up to the room, and the doctor stayed with us all day measuring Blakes internal movements and how things are contracting… just to make sure when he is fixed up, all the parts they think are good, are good !...
So, we check into Childrens Mercy on Monday, and Tuesday is the big day - probably early in the morning- …then if all goes as planned we will be safe at home with all hands back on deck by that following weekend.
We are doing wonderful, honestly. Let me tell ya, while we were in the surgery waiting area we heard a doctor come over to a big ole family and tell them that their little 4 month old now went from a 4 chamber heart to a 2 chamber heart. I know everyone's hardships in life are their own, and they are just as big to them as anything when its your baby… but we really do know how lucky we are and have realized that when its given to you, …you just go through it- you don't ever think you can ..but when its yours to handle-.. you handle it-…
We are looking forward to some down time this weekend at home together… and are ready for Monday to come and this next week to zoom by in our life and then movin it on to the next chapter.
Thank you All for your love and support-… more updates next week-
Love to you all-

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