Sunday, January 13, 2008

Blakey Update # 1

Hi All- Friday Blakey just wasn't himself- and his belly was really big and hard- so I took him to the doctor and asked if he could have Hirschsprungs disease ( I read about it and its prevelant in kids with DS ) .. he's always been so bloated and doesn't "Go" like he should- ... so they thought it would be best if we took him to the hospital ... so off we went- to Childrens Mercy here in KC. We went to the ER at about 5p- and at midnight they decided they should admit him-... we've been there since Friday- he had a barium test this morning and sure enough- he has this intestinal disease ...a part of his intestines is too small to work properly. He has another test scheduled for Monday morning where they will go in and clip a part off of his intestines and do a biopsy to test for Ganglionic cells and on Tuesday we will know more-... He will have to have surgery this week and they will take out the nonfunctioning part of the intestines and reconnect the good parts together. He is on IV fluids since he can't eat anything and antibiotics for infection. ... I don't know a whole lot right now. but this I do know.. Blake is happy - and healthy- he is not sick from this, we caught it before it made him sick-... the bloating was a foreshadowing of something worse to come, had we not gotten this taken care of.
Blake is strong, he is happy- and he is just in for some body work-... he will come out later this week like a shiny new little coupe ready and rarein to go-
I will write more later when we know-

Love you All-

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