Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Blakey Update # 2- no pun intended

Hi All-... just wanted to send a quick update on Blakey-... today is Wed, and Blake is still at Childrens Mercy in KC. Monday I went to the car, and as I was walking back, I noticed a little girl who looked really familiar-... so I said to her Mom- "Does she go to ABC Preschool"...and she said- Yes she does- and I said, I think she's in Blakes Baby room- Why are you here ?... The mother told me she has RSV-... RSV is a highly contagious Respiratory Virus-... so that evening we met with the Surgeons- and I mentioned running into this little girl-... so they tested Blakey for RSV for precaution and his test came back positive for RSV. He is now still in the hospital and is fighting off this infection- and on oxygen. They cannot do surgery on a tiny little guy, unless he is little lungs are clear- anything in the lungs could keep him from waking up from surgery, or he could we have to postpone it for a bit and keep his little intestines clear until surgery-...they showed us how to do it at home and its really a breeze-...doesn't bother him at all- So as soon as Blake is off oxygen he will be coming home- He will have surgery scheduled 6 weeks from the time he gets rid of this virus. Blake is really doing wonderful-...still being his smiley ole little toot self- and I have to say, I've never met nicer hospital staff in my life-...he is getting tons of loving while he's there and making the most of his time by practicing his toe touches and cooin.. and a little flirtin here and there- I think I saw him wink at one of the nurses-...
Blakey will be home from the time he's released until his surgery to stay away from germs and stay well-...and he will be hospitalized for a week after surgery-... We are hoping he will get to come home tomorrow-
I'll let you all know more as it comes ok-...
Thank you all for all your kind words, prayers and responses-...
Much love from the Western State line !
Love yas
Kel, Dave, Chase and Blake-a-roonie

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