Sunday, June 19, 2011

Hanging on.....and letting go...

We all have it ... its that one thing (if we're lucky its just one).... the thing we've known for so long that we just need to do, like a pit in our stomach- something we need to recognize, to tackle and take care of.... Going to visit someone you know you should of gone to see weeks, even months ago, making a phone call because facebook and texting have been your outs but you know they aren't cutting it... having a conversation with that one person you need to talk too and tell them how you really feel.. It could be visiting a grave and really letting go of the things you never got to say before they were gone ... or it could just be saying goodbye to something or someone that no longer adds quality.

These are all things we let hover over our heads everyday... we hang on to these "mind blocks" because they are important to us and we don't want to forget about them and what we need to do.....But no matter how much time goes by, that "thing" never goes away... It just builds...and gets bigger..... and it will continue to grow while stunting your own growth..........
Until you just do what needs to be done...
Say what needs to be said...
Feel what needs to be felt
..................and when you're done you have to let it go.

Hang on to the things that are a constant in your life and are positive... rely on those things that make you happy and make you feel good about YOU......... you deserve that peace.

Life is Simple, it's just not easy.................

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