Tuesday, March 3, 2009

This day is special....

For today is the day of my beautiful husbands birth. 31 years ago today he was given to this world and what a gift he is . Never in my dreams would I have imagined that I would end up in the arms of a man like Dave... he is such a wonderful Daddy, our best friend and the true example to me of simplicity and direction. I am so grateful for him, my rock, my balance beam... you make me wanna be a better person babe... I love you so much and I thank you for when I finally really fell... you were there to catch me, in your arms... forever ... and day after day, you keep catching me... thank you babe, and Happy Birthday Sweets...
Today its been a year... I remember that morning, ...and I remember that feeling...the way the tears stung my cheeks as they rolled down, knowing that I couldn't fix this myself and I had to hand you over to the Surgeons. I couldn't go with you, even just to be there to hold your hand. I had to give you to them so they could fix your belly. I remember what I had on, and the other people we met waiting to hear news of their loved ones... I can still see the room. I remember the feelings of fear everytime the phone rang in that room, and remember that fear changing to relief as I heard them finally tell us- your surgery was done and your belly was fixed. Everything went perfect. We finally got to see you sweet boy..and your cheekies were pink and healthy as you were off in a comfy, pain free baby dreamland. Your belly was working... and your pain was over. We couldn't wait to ease your brothers fears when we picked him up from school to tell him everything was going to be ok now. Blakey would finally be out of pain and coming home soon.....

I wish I could go back to that day and hold your hand again.. touch your cheek, kiss your forehead, and tell you again... how strong you are and how proud we are of you ........even if just for a minute....

I am forever grateful for the miracles that this day has brought to my life... near....and far...

1 comment:

  1. We love you guys, this day will always be special...for Dave, and the fact that Blake was releaved of pain.
