I work from home and have for almost 4 years now, ...and sometimes my mode of communication throughout the day is through Instant Messenger. Its very helpful for a quick check in with my boss or to shoot someone a quick message if I'm on the phone and they're trying to call me. So this past Monday I wanted to ask my boss a question- so I shot her a message and said "Yellow"... which in my terms meant ...Hello. My grandma used to answer the phone like that sometimes in her sweet Grandma voice-... "Yellow,...well Hi honey, how are You"...LOL. It doesn't come through that way when using IM though-...because to my Yellow-...my boss replied- "Do you always randomly just blurt out colors"... to which I explained my Yellow, meant Hello............... She then replied-... Kelly, its crazy, because me and 2 of your co-workers were just sitting here trying to decide what color the shirts should be for Blakeys walk in April and you just blurted out Yellow... so Yellow it is !!...
I think that's pretty amazing... and yet another sweet sign of subtle guardianship from this sweet little Angel in our lives... so of course it made me do some digging a little-
I wanted to look up Blakey and Chases Birthstone- Blakeys birthday is Aug 24th and Chases bday is Aug 29th...........
Their birthstone is Peridot- which ranges in color but most usually is Yellowish Green-... it is believed that the forces of nature are alive in the Peridot and it is believed to represent vitality. It signifies strength both individual and within a relationship, as well as promise of new growth in the years ahead.
Colorful little signs... I like to think so...