Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Update from KC

Good Morning Friends-…

We hope you all are doing well and enjoying the AWESOME weather - YAY- finally spring !!! I was actually in St Louis for the earthquake, and now that I know there were no injuries, can I just say- THAT WAS SOOOO COOL- my mind never even went to the thought that it was an earthquake, I thought the wind was coming in from the window and shaking the mirror on the wall-… - what a Midwesterner I am-…

Just wanted to send you all a quick update-… Chase started Tball and we are sooo excited for this kind of stuff to begin in our lives- the runnin, the dirt, and everything that comes along with raising an active little stinker- he’s doing so well with listening to the Coach and being a team player, ..we’re so proud of him.

Blake is doing amazing- he will be 8 months old tomorrow already- Geez… ! His belly is working the way it should and he is loving having real food ( ok baby food, but solid none the less)- He loves everything so far- and uh hem, its coming out when it should now- LOL

I can say I’m getting a little antsy for Blakey to sit up on his own and he is working his little muscles really hard in therapy to get the strength to master this amazing feat- … he is sitting in his little chair like a big boy, but I can’t wait for that day when finally, we sit him on the floor and he puts his head up tall , shoulders back and gives us that look of - “ Let go Mom, this time… I got it !!! …

We cant wait to let you all know when it happens and when it does you will hear the cheers from KC and the echos from the baby high fives …

Baby steps……

We love you all and send lots of hugs

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