Monday, March 10, 2008

Blakey is home for good- ALL done...

Good Morning friends-
Just sending a quick final update that we were able to bring our little sweetie home on Saturday- he is doing so well- … he does have really bad diaper rash though because I don't think his bottom is used to getting this kind of workout-…but if that's the worst to report, then we are doing awesome !
Just need to make sure he doesn't develop intercolitis ( belly infection) and then we are in the all clear !
Thank you everyone for your amazing words, advice, stories, and most of all your love-… you all have been our sounding boards it seems since he arrived in August and without your guidance we would have been very scared and lonely through all of this- thank you for coming with us on this little journey and for showing us the way home-
Have a wonderful week-
Love to you all-

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