Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Welcome home Blake

Step 1- complete !!

Sorry for the delay in updates, but until Yesterday we didn't have much to update-...but.....

Yippee- Blakey came home yesterday..... Now I know we keep telling him to take his time at stuff and we will not rush him, ...but come on little toots- 12 days-.....we get it, the nurses are pretty, the crib had cool buttons- but little mister ... lets just get er done , mmm k- !! He slept for like 3 hours the moment we pulled out of the parking garage..., I think just the familiar sounds of home helped him reach such a relaxing deep comfortable baby sleep-

Here's the latest- he is over the hump on his RSV and doing excellent-... he is breathing perfectly, looks great and back to his normal little self... the plan is the first week of Feb we meet with the Surgeons, and we are so blessed to have been assigned to one of the top Pediatric Surgeons in the world... first week in Feb the are doing a Manometry Study which is an hour surgery where he goes under anestesia, is intubated and they fill his little insides up to see how things "move" and to make sure the good parts of his intestines work the way they should- then he wakes up- we take him home and a couple weeks later they will do the 3 hour Surgery and actually remove the part of the intestines/colon that aren't working, ..reconnect and then he will stay for a week or so... The first surgery is to study Blakes insides and to see how he tolerates all these invasive things.

Here's what I think and a wise friend also said-........ Thank goodness we ran into the little girl with RSV and actually that he got it-... this prolonged our stay at the hospital, yes, .... but it also gave us much more time to ask questions, meet the staff, it gave Blake more time to adjust to all these little procedures they are doing, and to get used to people poking , checking, and machines beeping- it won't be such a huge shock to him when all the big stuff is going on. Dave and I also have more time now to prepare emotionally and to talk to Chase about this a little more.

So ... Step 1 is complete... A + Blakey !!!!!!!! You little star-

We really love you all so much- and are so grateful to you and all your awesome words of advice and prayers-... gosh we're lucky-...

Much love-
The Greeninger Fam- xoxoxo

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Blakey Update # 2- no pun intended

Hi All-... just wanted to send a quick update on Blakey-... today is Wed, and Blake is still at Childrens Mercy in KC. Monday I went to the car, and as I was walking back, I noticed a little girl who looked really familiar-... so I said to her Mom- "Does she go to ABC Preschool"...and she said- Yes she does- and I said, I think she's in Blakes Baby room- Why are you here ?... The mother told me she has RSV-... RSV is a highly contagious Respiratory Virus-... so that evening we met with the Surgeons- and I mentioned running into this little girl-... so they tested Blakey for RSV for precaution and his test came back positive for RSV. He is now still in the hospital and is fighting off this infection- and on oxygen. They cannot do surgery on a tiny little guy, unless he is little lungs are clear- anything in the lungs could keep him from waking up from surgery, or he could we have to postpone it for a bit and keep his little intestines clear until surgery-...they showed us how to do it at home and its really a breeze-...doesn't bother him at all- So as soon as Blake is off oxygen he will be coming home- He will have surgery scheduled 6 weeks from the time he gets rid of this virus. Blake is really doing wonderful-...still being his smiley ole little toot self- and I have to say, I've never met nicer hospital staff in my life-...he is getting tons of loving while he's there and making the most of his time by practicing his toe touches and cooin.. and a little flirtin here and there- I think I saw him wink at one of the nurses-...
Blakey will be home from the time he's released until his surgery to stay away from germs and stay well-...and he will be hospitalized for a week after surgery-... We are hoping he will get to come home tomorrow-
I'll let you all know more as it comes ok-...
Thank you all for all your kind words, prayers and responses-...
Much love from the Western State line !
Love yas
Kel, Dave, Chase and Blake-a-roonie

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Blakey Update # 1

Hi All- Friday Blakey just wasn't himself- and his belly was really big and hard- so I took him to the doctor and asked if he could have Hirschsprungs disease ( I read about it and its prevelant in kids with DS ) .. he's always been so bloated and doesn't "Go" like he should- ... so they thought it would be best if we took him to the hospital ... so off we went- to Childrens Mercy here in KC. We went to the ER at about 5p- and at midnight they decided they should admit him-... we've been there since Friday- he had a barium test this morning and sure enough- he has this intestinal disease ...a part of his intestines is too small to work properly. He has another test scheduled for Monday morning where they will go in and clip a part off of his intestines and do a biopsy to test for Ganglionic cells and on Tuesday we will know more-... He will have to have surgery this week and they will take out the nonfunctioning part of the intestines and reconnect the good parts together. He is on IV fluids since he can't eat anything and antibiotics for infection. ... I don't know a whole lot right now. but this I do know.. Blake is happy - and healthy- he is not sick from this, we caught it before it made him sick-... the bloating was a foreshadowing of something worse to come, had we not gotten this taken care of.
Blake is strong, he is happy- and he is just in for some body work-... he will come out later this week like a shiny new little coupe ready and rarein to go-
I will write more later when we know-

Love you All-

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

The New year...

The New year

I am an unspoiled page in your book of time. I am your next chance at the art of living. I am your opportunity to practice what you have learned about life during the last twelve months. All that you sought and didn't find is hidden in me, waiting for you to search it out with more determination. All the good that you tried for and didn't achieve is mine to grant when you have fewer conflicting desires. All that you dreamed but didn't dare to do, all that you hoped but did not will, all the faith that you claimed but did not have -these slumber lightly,waiting to be awakened by the touch of a strong purpose.

I am your opportunity

I am the new year.