Thursday, November 4, 2010

Football, First Downs and falling in love all over again....

You never really could happen to you.

I never believed that when someone told me I would find love... But I did..and I am reminded of it every single day.

I am reminded of it on Saturdays when we are at Chases football games, I am amazed how a skill can make a child carry himself differently. How feeling needed on a team can change his whole demeanor and make him just want to do well... gosh I remember that feeling when I was in sports.. what a rush. But this.....watching him...this is my new passion. I LOVE watching him...watching all of them. Those little guys are out there running, diving and scoring....all while looking back to make sure Mom and Dad saw em and holding their heads high when they KNOW, they just did that ..LOL What an awesome awesome feeling. THIS is what I've been waiting for since becoming a Mommy.

And First Downs... this year was finally the year. We did it- We formed a team for the Step up Walk here in Kansas City at Arrowhead stadium. Benefiting First Downs for Down syndrome... we set our goal and we surpassed it !!! AMAZING ... that day was ALL we had hoped for. On Sat 9/25 exactly 1 month and 1 day from Blakeys 3rd birthday we walked and we were surrounded by Angels all morning long. Everywhere we looked were the littlest kiddos... a little girl on Daddys shoulder and the sweetest little guy just learning how to walk. I felt we were being held in the palm of someones hand that day...and I know we were surrounded by our Angel. Many Many smiles, a few tears and amazing friends..... the whole day just felt like a big hug. We can't wait until next year for our 2nd annual sMILES for Blakey walk ... All for you Toots.. we miss you terribly. Thank you so so much friends and family for all your support, near and far..

And falling in love all over again.... On May 11th, our newest little Boo came into the world.. and lemme tell ya... Yes ...we are all in love, and his name is Jack David Greeninger. Be still my heart.....oh my gosh this baby ... I'm not sure if its because he started sleeping through the night at 4 weeks old, or if it's just purely because we know how precious these moments are. I'm not gonna lie, this has been a fairytale nightmare...just holding and kissing and knowing... We had this, Please God... don't let anything happen to him, God to any of them... But we are so happy, we are so in love and its just such an awesome feeling to be a family of 4 again...
But we know, there are always 5 shadows.. ( wink....)

Truth is... none of us know what's in "the plan"... it could happen to you.. We can only live everyday and live it well. Do good to each other, respect, love & cherish each other. Tell people when you love them...hug them..reach out to them....even if you really don't want too you NEED too...for YOU. Really choose happy- it IS a choice..and where there's happy..there is peace ...and where there's peace....There is the good life.

Live it.....

Love to you friends.............

1 comment:

  1. You are so amazing Kelly! Actually your entire family is - I look up to you guys so much and wish you all the happiness in the world!!!!
