Monday, March 10, 2008

Blakey is home for good- ALL done...

Good Morning friends-
Just sending a quick final update that we were able to bring our little sweetie home on Saturday- he is doing so well- … he does have really bad diaper rash though because I don't think his bottom is used to getting this kind of workout-…but if that's the worst to report, then we are doing awesome !
Just need to make sure he doesn't develop intercolitis ( belly infection) and then we are in the all clear !
Thank you everyone for your amazing words, advice, stories, and most of all your love-… you all have been our sounding boards it seems since he arrived in August and without your guidance we would have been very scared and lonely through all of this- thank you for coming with us on this little journey and for showing us the way home-
Have a wonderful week-
Love to you all-

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Blakeys surgery

And Exhale ……..ahhhh……
Blake went into surgery yesterday at 930a- and got out at around 430p-… and it went smoo oo ooth as silk- !! That kid, I tell ya- he is a resilient little toots. That was a pretty long surgery, but they called us at least every couple hours just to reassure us that everything was going as planned, it lasted a little longer than they had anticipated, but for no other reason other than it just did-… Everything went great !! His bad parts are gone, good parts all back together and within an hour of being out of surgery he opened his eyes, saw all of us and drifted off to sleep. He hardly made a peep all night long other than maybe just a wimper here and there because he was dreamin of an Old country buffet somewhere in baby land. He is doing so good and has "gone" 3 times today and has nothing attached to him except an IV for hydration until he can have his 1st feeding on Wed sometime and a few monitors on him.
We will probably bring him home this weekend, very latest Monday.
We are so grateful and lucky for all of this good news. We know we haven't quite made it to the finish line yet, but have certainly rounded the last curve of this lap and are finally approaching the home stretch-… we thank God for you all and for this life-…
Thank you friends-
Love you all and sending our love from KC-
Kel and Fam