Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Positive results-...

Hello Friends-
Today was Blakes Doctors appointment- and just as I had suspected- the results for his test came back positive for Down Syndrome-..
I was telling my friend here, it is a bittersweet day, because now we can be at peace and have that quiet acceptance.. now that we know-... But with that comes just a bit of sadness, because now we know-...
I'm just glad this step is behind us,..and we can take a few more steps forward to the next road bump..which will be the cardiologist appointment, which I am confident will turn out as it should... as will this all !!

This kid is so beautiful-..and I can't wait for you all to squeeze his squishy smell good baby cheekies !!

Much Love from the KC Greeninger Homefront-....... enjoy a few of my favorite pics !

Kel, Dave, Chase and Blake Greeninger

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