Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Shoulders and Shoes

Smiley face baby, we miss you.

We missed you today and yesterday and we will miss you tomorrow.  During these next months Blakey, we will need help so we know, there will be many shoulders we will need to borrow …..mostly Daddy's shoulders for me…and probably mine for him…

Shoulders are great, huh Toots… how many nights did you fall asleep with your cheek pressed tightly up against Daddy's, or mine…that was your favorite spot, when we would finally tuck you into your bed after dozing off there would be a big ole drool spot on our shirt from your sweet little mouth because you were so comfy and off in dream land. I loved having you tucked into my shoulder and patting your little bottom until I would hear you soundly sleeping.

Right now our shoulders are heavy, they're not that comfy spot they used to be, they are carrying a load that we never imagined we were strong enough to carry… we haven't been working out, so we're not real sure where we've mustered up the strength to keep carrying this load- but we think that comes from you, … YOU … the protector of all shoulders, YOU the giver of strength and YOU the keeper of all things comfy.

Our feet hurt from carrying this load on our shoulders but its just because of these shoes we've been given… they are new shoes and new shoes usually hurt, eventually we know these shoes will become worn because this will be a longer walk than usual, they will become more broken in and more bearable and eventually we will have other shoes that we will begin to wear. But for now we wear these shoes …we will not ask anyone else to wear them to break them in even though we know others would and others have. We will take this long walk, carry this heavy load because we absolutely know, at the end of this very long path, …..we are certain… you will be there waiting for us and our shoulders and our feet will hurt no more.

We miss you every minute Blakey-

Foerever love,

Mommy, Daddy and Chase