Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Hi Friends-...

We are all home, safe and sound- and Blake is settling into his new surroundings, I think he's a bit lonely today because Chase is at school-... and he is getting used to being held all the time by his big brother who HAS to hold him when he is near .. he made me promise this morning when he got home he could hold him- heh ! The simple things.....

I wanted to let you all know what is going on with us right now because you are all the most important people to us, and I feel like I just need to put this out there in order to progress to where I need to be and move forward a bit-.. Friday Blake arrived at 755am- big cheekies ..picture of health, 10 and 10- and we had a wonderful wonderful day getting to know each other and he getting to know the rest of the family as well-... he barely makes any noise, only cries when he is chilly, and getting the diapey changed-... then Sat- as I was getting in the shower , the pediatrician came in and did some checking and said he has some concerns, because Blake has some classic signs of Downs Syndrome............ boom-.. that sentence that came out of that doctors mouth, so nonchalantly, as if he just told me his eyes look blue now but may turn brown-... will forever ring in my head, and have changed my life forever-
So...they drew blood, and this test will take up to 2 weeks to come back-... right now, they don't see any of the health problems that come along with it- but we have to go see a cardiologist next week, and time will tell what other challenges this may bring
... but you know what guys-... Its been 4 days now- and I just know it-..I've cried about it, I've stayed awake every night in the hospital just holding him and I know.. I just know Blake Thomas Greeninger has this..- it has been a fear of mine since my first pregnancy with Chase-, ... it is something that has been given to us for a reason- and we may not know what the reason is right now- and we may not think this is fair...but I think today- I am ready to accept it- and tell all my friends, because this is a real thing we are going to tackle head on , and learn a lot about and we have to make sure this precious little boy gets as much love, and has as normal of a life as he can - ... it is something that happens the night of conception and all cells get an extra Chromosome 21 - it is purely because of 1 chromosome and it is just the luck of the draw in life-...It is referred to as Trisomy 21, but mostly you will hear it called Down Syndrome. Neither of us have this in our family, neither of us know anything about it-... but we will-... and I believe he was handpicked for us, ..and put in our family, because he deserves a loving big brother, and because Dave and I are strong enough to handle this-. He is such an awesome baby he looks like a little buddha, big ole cheekies-... smiles, he's absolutely beautiful- and was given to us exactly as he should be- he's still our perfect little baby boy-...

I love you all- and I will keep you all posted, ok !!

Kel, Dave, Chase and Blake Greeninger